Deciding the need for change

I decided I needed to change my life after my 2nd was born. I was 6 days postpartum, big as a whale, incredibly swollen….still. I had developed chest pain and shortness of breath right after my little one was born. After discussing the symptoms with my OBGYN, we decided I had to go to the hospital to get my heart checked out. My EKG was abnormal and the doctors were concerned I had postpartum cardiomyopathy. The most frightening words the doctor told me that made my heart sink, “you won’t be able to have any more children.” Now at the time, I really wasn’t sure if I wanted anymore children but one thing I knew for sure, I didn’t want anyone to tell me I couldn’t have anymore children. I wanted to make that decision for myself. So day 10 postpartum, I got myself up on the treadmill and started some low impact cardio. (No I don’t recommend this to all postpartum moms.) But I was determined. I joined a gym locally that offered one of those lose 20lbs in 6 weeks challenges and successfully completed that challenge but I wasn’t able to pay the high cost of the gym membership. That’s when I learned about ketogenic nutrition. My husband (at the time) and I were both on board with changing our nutrition even though his cultural background meant “rice was life.” We pushed through and I had found lbs were just melting off. Not only were the lbs coming off but my energy was increasing, my joints weren’t hurting, and I had a much better time managing stress. I knew this was going to be a lifestyle for me and really started my journey to wanting to help others learn this new way of life. The grass is so much greener. And now it’s my turn to give back and help our community to get healthy.


A New Way of Life