A New Way of Life

I remember being 229lbs after my second child was born. I kept thinking, how am I going to get on the floor and play with my children. I'm tired all of the time, my joints hurt, my mood sucks. Dig yourself out of it, Lauren. Day 10 postpartum, I decided I was making a change, small and subtle but I just got on the treadmill and started moving. I continued until I joined a local gym that offered a 6 week challenege to lose 20lbs. I won that challenge and continued working there as a nutritional accountability coach to motivate others to live a healthy lifestyle. Then I learned about Ketogenesis or Keto diet. I wasn't able to work out at the gym because I simply couldn't afford it. So I focused on my nutrition. Through this lifestyle change, the fat just melted off. Each month, more and more pounds were shed. Till finally, I lost 84lbs total in 15 months. It was the best I had ever felt. I had energy, I was in a positive mood, my joints no longer hurt, and I was able to get on the floor with my daughters. I knew this worked. That's when I decided to become a certified ketogenic nutrition specialist, CKNS. I learned about all of the research surrounding keto and recognized this diet was helping with all of the chronic conditions I've seen in the medical clinic as a nurse practitioner. Diabetes, Hypertension, Cancer, Neurodegenerative diseases: Keto was able to help reduce or reverse. That's when I knew, this is what I have to educate my patients about. I don’t want to keep my patients on pills, they all come with side effects. Lets redirect our society and health care to focus on prevention rather than the Band-Aid medicine we live in today. Let's work together to live and love our best life!


Deciding the need for change